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Research and Development (R&D)

MCNS R&D Unique Services

MCNS brings 5G and 6G technology evolution into new fields such as Satellites, Open RAN MAC Machine Learning based approaches for network efficiency, 6G Holographic Services as well as Wireless Power Transfer for green network infrastructure.

MCNS Research & Development (R&D) is adaptive to the latest trends in the mobile communications field.

MCNS pursues stand-alone research activities and is a valuable partner to global players such as Intrasoft, Teledrom AB, OQtech and Skytales. We look forward to becoming your R&D partner in your latest technology development for products, services and applications.

Our research has all the scientific tools and background for the sustainability of innovative and challenging ideas in the new 6G era while maintaining seamless integration into existing mobile network infrastructure.

MCNS R&D main contribution:

  • Wireless Power Transfer (WPT)
  • Open RAN 6G Machine Learning based MAC
  • Next Generation Mobile Networks Holographic communications
  • 6G satellite merging

Select Researche Field

MCNS from its very beginning understood the transformative nature of Next Generation Mobile Networks for society and everyday life. However, this transformation poses major challenges for network infrastructure, functionality and service delivery.


We support and enhance research

Our people are tasked with applied research in the Radio Access field for 6G industrial applications. Our contributions are quickly finding their ways into the fields of special 5G and 6G services driven by environment and energy requirements

We take our work product very personally and always take great pride in our collaborations.

Our commitment to our customers is to always strive to offer the best possible service, in a professional and timely manner, with the highest possible added value based on our unique core knowledge and insights.

EU PROJECTS research page