MCNS is involved in a 5G RAN project with Jio-Reliance offices in India, as part of contractual agreement services for R&D Energy Efficiency algorithms.
Part of the project is the initial review of 5G Link Adaptation RAN related Jio’s features targeting energy efficiency, based on Machine Learning algorithms. The major task is to improve the Link Adaptation (LA) BLER vs SINR related performance for different channel models.
Another task is to improve the 5G NSA/SA beam management and alignment procedures to improve the massive MIMO (mMIMO) energy efficiency vs. throughput performance. The features under study deeply analyze the beamwidth selection vs. energy consumption and end user performance.
The related proposed features will end-up into IP patents.
5G sectors are 5G SA macros and micros for street urban and sub-urban areas with some emphasis on outdoor to indoor coverage for energy efficiency optimization.
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